
tropical plants

Agave Century Plant

The name “century plant” comes from the fact that the slow-growing plant takes years — although not 100 — to flower. The upward-facing yellow flowers grow in clusters at the end of horizontal branches near the top of a tall stalk that emerges from a thick basal rosette of gray-green leaves. The flower structure resembles a candelabrum and sits atop a flower stalk that may be 10 or even 25 feet tall.

Alpinia (Shell Ginger)

Makes a good solid green foliage plant. Blooms in southern areas with mild winters. Large pendant inflorescence features white and pink flowers with red and yellow throats. Can be grown in full sun but will thrive in some shade. Can grow 7 to 9 feet tall. One of the Souths most common and favored gingers. Variegated Shell Ginger is tolerant of a wide range of light conditions, with adequate moisture.

Asparagus Fern

The asparagus fern (Asparagus sprengeri) is a common and fast-growing houseplant. It's called a fern, but is actually a member of the lily family. It has fine needle-like leaves and arching stems that can grow up to three feet long. Mature ferns sprout white or pink flowers and grow green, inedible berries. To properly take care of an asparagus fern, you should create the right environment, propagate the plant, and maintain it regularly


This 16-20' tall running species makes a thick green stem that sports 6' long, narrow, green leaves arching from the top of the trunk. The flower of Musa basjoo emerges from near the top of the stem like a yellow-orange torpedo. After the flowers open, you will be blessed with clusters of small, yellow, 2" long bananas. Forget eating this one...just enjoy the tropical look and tease your neighbors.

Bleeding Heart

This is a twining, evergreen shrub, originating from West Africa. Its leaves are dark green colored and are 5-7 inches in length. They are good climbing plants and are relatively easier to grow as they are sun-loving plants. They are quite aesthetic too, as they produce tons of flowers which can be easily trimmed to the desired size. Its fruits are black and contain black seeds.


Woody tropical evergreen vine growing 15-20' tall x 10-15' wide. This vigorous and fast-growing variety features masses of bright lavender-purple flowers that bloom repeatedly throughout the warmer months providing a dazzling display of vibrant color. Blooming occurs throughout the warmer months, attracting hummingbirds. Great for fences, trellises, arbors, hillsides or as a colorful container specimen.

GARDENIA (August Beauty)

The August Beauty makes a stunning addition to the landscape with its dark green glossy leaves and creamy-white, fragrant blooms. Individual flowers sport double petals and reach up to 3 inches in diameter. This gardenia cultivar requires full to partial sunlight and fertile, fast-draining soil. It requires regular maintenance to ensure it remains healthy and producing a plethora of blooms.


Hibiscus are deciduous shrubs with dark green leaves; the plants can grow to 15 feet tall in frost-free areas. Flowers may be up to 6 inches diameter, with colors ranging from yellow to peach to red. Hibiscus can be planted singly or grown as a hedge plant; they can also be pruned into a single-stemmed small tree. The flowers are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.

India Carnation

The India Carnation plant is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub. Also called the crepe jasmine or butterfly gardenia, this plant is desirable for its ruffled white flowers that give off a strong, pleasing fragrance at night. India Carnation is a tropical plant native to the tropics of southeastern Asia and India. As such, this plant can only be grown successfully outdoors in the tropical areas of the United States.


The jacaranda tree is a tropical beauty with its clusters of fragrant, purple, trumpet-shaped blooms. It makes an excellent shade or street tree. This tree grows to a height of anywhere from 5-50' tall and 15-60' wide. For the best blooming, plant Jacaranda mimosa foliage in full sun. Small trees will be able to live in light shade if needed.

Mexican Firebush (Red)

Firebush is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to many areas in tropical and subtropical America. It can be seen growing prolifically near magnificent stone pyramids in Veracruz and Yucatan and is prized by the natives for its beauty and many medicinal uses. Although a woody perennial in its native habitat, firebush is best utilized as an annual (mature height: 18–30 inches) from central Texas northward.


Mimosa trees rapidly grow to about 20-25 ft. They have a tropical look, but are very hardy. They adapt to almost any soil type. They are drought tolerant and can be planted in full sun or partial shade. Fragrant, hot pink blooms grow in clusters, adding an explosion of color and excitement to any spring setting. Plant near back patios they attract hummingbirds like no other tree we've ever seen.


Oleander is a tough durable shrub and tree that is easy to grow. Abundant, beautiful flowers are produced in many colors and some varieties are delightfully fragrant. New homeowners appreciate oleander's satisfyingly fast growth rate and ability to quickly green up a bare lot. Versatile, can survive both dry and wet soils. Fastest growth occurs when provided moisture in times of drought.

Philodendron (Split-Leaf)

A large shrub to 10' tall and wide with bold shiny, deeply-lobed green leaves up to 4 feet long. The flowers have large white spathes but are inconspicuous under the leaves though older specimens are large enough that the flowers may be seen from below and often aerial roots can also be seen hanging down from the stems or snaking along the soil. Older plants in shade are surprisingly drought resistant. Hardy to 25° F.


The Red Bird of Paradise is a medium to large growing shrub with bright orange/red flowers that show from late spring through the fall. Often seen in desert landscapes, semi-tropical yards and open commercial areas this shrub is one of the brightest flowering plants for any use in the Valley. Prune hard in winter to maintain medium to large scale. Unpruned specimens can grow up to 10 to 12 feet.

Reed palm

Reed palms are shrub-like in appearance, and can grow four to twelve feet tall, with a spread of three to five feet wide. When grown indoors, average height is typically six to seven feet tall. Light green bamboo-like canes (stems) grow up to one inch in diameter. This plant requires minimal pruning. Only remove brown, dry fronds that appear to drop.

Soft Tip Yucca

Soft blue-green leaves and 6' tall flower stalks in late summer. Excellent accent plant. Develops a short stalk over time and gains height to about 6' tall. The foliage is blue green and has a soft, graceful arch that gives this species a distinctive look. Tall candelabra spikes of creamy white flowers top mature plants in midsummer. An excellent specimen, foundation, or border plant. Creates a pivotal accent point.

Strelitzia (Bird-of-paradise)

At an average of over 6 feet tall, this plant has the appearance of a bird's head when it is flowering. Once the plant has reached its full height, it produces a hard sideways sheath called a spathe. This forms the "beak" of the flower, and is strong enough to support the weight of several birds at once. The leaves are evergreen should you want lots of growth and flowers, it's going to need bright light.

Texas Red Yucca

A clump-forming succulent, red yucca has arching, leathery, linear foliage rising to between 2 and 3 feet tall. Dark olive-green leaves with no thorns or spines are sparsely covered with fibrous strands along the margins. Deep coral pink flowers with golden yellow throats crowd the length of the stalks that reach three feet or more. Foliage has a reddish bronze hue during winter's chill for year-round interest.

Upright Elephant Ear

Elephant ears, are impressive plants that are prized for their dramatic foliage. Their leaves can measure up to 3 feet across and the foliage color ranges from lime green to almost black. Upright elephant ears have shiny leaves that often display colorful variations. They can easily hold their own as a solo plant in the garden or in a large container. They also combine beautifully with other summer bulbs and annuals.