
Bleeding Heart
This is a twining, evergreen shrub, originating from West Africa. Its leaves are dark green colored and are 5-7 inches in length. They are good climbing plants and are relatively easier to grow as they are sun-loving plants. They are quite aesthetic too, as they produce tons of flowers which can be easily trimmed to the desired size. Its fruits are black and contain black seeds.

Woody tropical evergreen vine growing 15-20' tall x 10-15' wide. This vigorous and fast-growing variety features masses of bright lavender-purple flowers that bloom repeatedly throughout the warmer months providing a dazzling display of vibrant color. Blooming occurs throughout the warmer months, attracting hummingbirds. Great for fences, trellises, arbors, hillsides or as a colorful container specimen.

Carolina Yellow Jasmine
With stems that can exceed 20 feet in length, Carolina Jasmine climbs over anything it can twine its wiry stem around. Plant it on trellises and arbors, along fences or under trees with loose canopies. The glossy leaves stay green all year, providing dense coverage for the supporting structure. These vines are covered with clusters of fragrant, yellow flowers in late winter and spring. The flowers are followed by seed capsules that ripen slowly.

Confederate Jasmine (Star)
Confederate Jasmine produces an abundant display of cream-colored star-shaped blossoms in late spring and early summer. The vines can reach up to 20 feet tall with support, or you can allow it to sprawl over a garden bed as a 1- to 2-foot-tall ground cover. The glossy evergreen foliage supplies year-round interest even after its blooms have faded. Plant this jasmine in full, all-day sun in moist but well-drained soil.

Coral Honeysuckle
Coral Honeysuckle is a perennial vine, with a woody base. It is almost evergreen in North Texas. It has simple opposite leaves that are round to oval with pale undersides. Its bloom gives the plant its name, with coral to red flowers that are 2 inches long. It can climb 15 feet or more, making it suitable for climbing a trellis or a fence. Plant in dappled or partial shade or sun.

Creeping Fig
Creeping fig is native to East Asia and is a quickly growing evergreen vine that produces a dense carpetlike surface on the objects that it climbs. Creeping fig is often used for hanging baskets, trellises, topiaries and ground cover because of its aggressive growth rate and hardiness. A mature creeping fig plant can go long periods without water as well as tolerate short periods of freezing.

A climbing, woody vine reaching 50 ft. long with orange-red, trumpet-shaped flowers which hang in clusters of two to five. They are sometimes seen high in a tree, as the vine climbs by means of tendrils. Claws at the end of its tendrils allow Crossvine to cling to stone, bricks and fences without support. Persistent, glossy, semi-evergreen leaves change from dark green in summer to reddish-purple in winter.

Everyone recognizes that lovely fragrance of a honeysuckle plant and the sweet taste of its nectar. Honeysuckles are heat-tolerant and wildly attractive in any garden. A honeysuckle plant is a great addition to any landscape and will draw abundant wildlife with its sweet, yellow to bright-red blossoms. Some are deciduous and some, in warmer regions, are evergreen.

Lady Banksia Rose
The lady banks rose, a vine originating from China, can grow up to 50 feet long unchecked. It is hardy as an evergreen vine in USDA zones 9 to 11, where the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it can grow as a deciduous vine down to USDA zone 6. The lady banks rose is thornless and does not attach to buildings, but will climb on a trellis, serve as a ground cover on slopes and cascade over edges.

Lavender Trumpet Vine
Few vines can match the subtle beauty of this lavender-flowering Trumpet Vine. A natural for cottage gardens in climates too warm for Clematis. Has a tropical look, but fits into traditional schemes as well. Drape over walls and fences. An excellent shroud for chain-link fences as tendrils will attach themselves. A perfect cover-up for side-yard utilities and for training up porches and railings.

Orange Cape Honeysuckle
You could hang a hummingbird feeder on the patio, or you could fill patio planters and pots with orange cape honeysuckle. This shrubby vine has 2-inch-long, vase-shaped flowers practically designed for the fine-beaked hummingbird, and these nectar seeking visitors can rarely resist the bright orange color. Cape honeysuckle grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11.

Orange Jubilee
Orange Jubilee is noted for the fast growing, reaching branch structure with bright orange flowers. They can reach 10 to 12 ft high with long leggy branches. Trim occasionally to keep them full and well behaved. Plant Orange Jubilee where they will receive at least half a day of sun and soil with good drainage. A hard freeze will damage their branches they will recover very quickly in spring.

Primrose Jasmine
Primrose Jasmine is an evergreen vining shrub. Has long, arching branches 6-10 ft. long. Dark green leaves with three lance- shaped, 2-3 in. leaflets. Bright lemon yellow, unscented flowers to 2 in. across are semi-double or double. Without any type of support, Primrose Jasmine grows as a fountain-like mound. It looks particularly spectacular in mass plantings or in locations where it is allowed to sprawl over a wall.

Trumpet Passion Vine
Large, tubular, deep reddish orange flowers in clusters create a dramatic show and attract hummingbirds all season! Once established, this vigorous, clinging vine thrives and blooms profusely with near neglect. Quickly covers large areas as a groundcover, screening on lattice or cloaking an arbor. Deciduous. Easily grown in a wide variety of soils. Foliage grows well in shade, but plants need good sun for best flowering.

Queen's Wreath
Queen's wreath vine, sometimes called coral vine, rapidly grows up walls and supports, easily reaching 30 to 40 feet in length in the right environment. It has dense heart-shaped foliage, and blooms profusely with tiny flowers in summer and fall. The plant remains evergreen in the warmer climates, but dies to the ground with any frost. Plant this vine in full sun to partial shade. Regular watering will increase the growth rate of the plant.

variegated greater periwinkle
Evergreen perennial displays profusion of lilac blue flowers. Creamy white margin to dark green leaves. Use on banks and steep slopes. Roots as it spreads. The variegated foliage of this trailer makes it light up the shade as it covers the ground. It looks fine on shady banks or trailing over the side of a container or low retaining wall. It will root wherever its stem tips touch the ground. Drought resistant/drought tolerant plant.

Wisteria (Evergreen)
Evergreen wisteria (Millettia reticulata) is not only a beautiful and fragrant perennial vine, it's also an excellent alternative to the more commonly seen Chinese wisteria, which is invasive. Neither is it truly a wisteria, although both plants are part of the legume family. Evergreen wisteria can reach heights of 30 feet but can be kept shorter with pruning. It blooms in the summer with a flush of deep mauve, pea-shaped blooms that resemble wisteria.

Wisteria (Texas Purple)
Showy, large clusters of sweetly fragrant purple flowers in spring are followed by large, compound, dark green leaves on vigorous twining stems. Best when trained on an arbor, trellis or fence to allow a full view of the spectacular pendulous flower clusters. Blooms at a very early age. Deciduous. Train it on a sturdy arbor or let it cover a pergola or patio, where the flowers can hang through the structure like huge clusters of grapes.